Wednesday, November 10, 2010


The action is at tumblr...I have more than 2 watchers there.



They both go to the same place.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Scott Pilgrim Movie Sketch

HOLY WHAT?! Scott Pilgrim is out on DVD today? (Can you tell I don't own a BluRay player?) Well, that's why I drew this remind you all to go buy that shit! If you are one of the few geeks who didn't see this and are wondering, "Well, I didn't see it in the theaters, why would I buy it on video?" I'll tell you why...

I saw Scott Pilgrim 3 times in the theater.

"So what?" You may ask yourself. Well, if you had to ask yourself that, you obviously don't know me very well. My seeing a movie 3 times in the theater is significant because Derek Hunter is the cheapest man alive. So if a movie is good enough for me to spend money on more than is worth owning forever.

Go buy that shit, nerds. I am.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Walking Dead Sketch

Did you guys watch The Walking Dead last night?!

Holy cow, I love seeing such an awesome comic on TV! This image is slightly spoilerish, but anyone who knows anything about the comic or the show knows that Rick is a bad ass, so seeing an image of him splitting a zombie head in twain with an axe shouldn’t be a surprise.

Also, great to see familiar bits from the comic on the show.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Army of Darkness Sketch

To make up for the horribly generic character yesterday, I knew I had to make it up to you guys in a big way. I knew I had to draw one of the most awesome characters to ever be committed to paper, celluloid or the minds of drooling fanboys and girls everywhere.

The decision was simple.

And I feel that my decision was smart.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

I never would have drawn this if it weren't for a nice compliment on my Buzz Lightyear sketch from my buddy Ryan's son. Since I love it when kids respond to comics and such, I asked him if he wanted me to draw him anything. I kinda hoped he'd say something cooler than "Superman", but he didn't.

So here it is.


Am I overstating my reasoning behind drawing this sketch?


Superman is a boring character and I feel it necessary to let my dear readers know that I drew this for an awesome 5 year old, not myself (or you, for that matter). Tomorrow should bring a cooler character. (Sorry, Superman fans)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Super awesome and multi-talented geek blogger, GEEK•LEET•IST deserved the "sketch treatment" as soon as I saw the photo of him and his dog dressed in matching super hero outfits. BEHOLD!

I would also like to mention that no, the colors aren't perfect by any means, but I am experimenting, dammit! And experimenting is awesome.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Buzz Lightyear sketch

Election Day? PFFT! Today is Buzz Lightyear day! Go pick up your Toy Story 3 DVD/BluRay and vote BUZZ!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Conquest Sketch

One of my favorite Superhero books is Image Comics' INVINCIBLE! It has some of the best classic superhero writing in years and, yes I know I am biased, the art is just top notch! Go pick it up, read, enjoy, reread!

I really need to start studying anatomy more. Something about his left arm is bothering me, and I'm not awesome enough to know what. Maybe I'll go buy some anatomy books...ooh! And some WWF magazines and copy some action poses.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Wolverine Sketch

No, it's not draw night, but I did this as a warm-up before doing my usual greeting card illustrations. Wolverine, GRR!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Draw Night Sketches

Every Tuesday night I get together with a bunch of totally talented artists and draw stuff. Usually I work on my comics, but this week I did a few quick comic sketches. Here they be:
Savage Dragon was THE best comic of the early 90's comic boom. Hands down. If you disagree, you weren't reading it.

I drew Punisher because i needed no reference. Only reason. Next time I go ready with reference pics.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

First Post. Let me introduce myself.

This is my first post on the ole blog. Let me fill you in on what I've been up to. Because what good is a first post without a proper introduction? Right?